Sunday, January 26, 2025

ለኢንዱስትሪዎች የተሰጠው የውጭ ምንዛሪና ከወጪ ንግድ የተገኘው ገቢ ማነስ በፓርላማ ጥያቄ አስነሳ

በኢንዱስትሪ ፓርኮች የሚገኙ ድርጅቶች ከ90 በመቶ በላይ ጥሬ ዕቃ ከውጭ የሚያስመጡ መሆናቸው ተገልጿል አንድ የኤሌክትሪክ ተሽከርካሪ ባትሪ ዋጋ ከግማሽ ሚሊዮን ብር በላይ መሆኑ ሥጋት ፈጥሯል ፓርላማው በስኳር ፋብሪካዎች ላይ መፍትሔ ለማምጣት ምን እየተሠራ ነው? ሲል ጥያቄዎችን አቅርቧል ኢንዱስትሪ ሚኒስቴር በበጀት ዓመቱ ስድስት ወራት ለአምራች ኢንዱስትሪ የቀረበው የውጭ ምንዛሪ ከዕቅዱ ወደ 100 ሚሊዮን...
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‹‹ባጃጅ በእጃችን ለመግፋት ተገደናል›› - ጎንደር || ‹‹አዲሱ የባህርተኞች ህግ ምን ይዟል?›› @ethiopiareporter
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‹‹መከላከያ ከአማራ ክልል ሊወጣ….?›› || ‹‹እኔን የሚደግፍ ሰልፍም አይፈቀድም›› - ትግራይ @ethiopiareporter
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በአሳሳቢነት የቀጠለው የንጹሀን ግድያ @ethiopiareporter
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ትራምፕ ምን አዲስ ነገር ይዘው መጡ? || ከዶ/ር ዮናስ ብሩ ጋር የተደረገ ቆይታ @ethiopiareporter
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እንባ ጠባቂዎች ይሾማሉ፣ የትምህርት እና የመሬት ሊዝ አዋጆች ይጸድቃሉ| በቀጥታ | ከፓርላማ | ሪፖርተር ኢትዮጵያ @ethiopiareporter
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የትግራይ ጸጥታ ኃይል ለሁለት ተከፍሎ አቋም ያዘ || "የምክክር ሂደቱ ታጋች መሆን የለበትም" - ዶ/ር ጌዲዮን @ethiopiareporter
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"ህልውናችንን ለመታደግ ትግላችን ከፍ ብሏል" - ህወሓት || በተቃውሞ የጸደቀው የእንባ ጠባቂዎች ሹመት @ethiopiareporter
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በሁለት ትሪሊዮን ብር ያሻቀበው የኢትዮጵያ ዕዳ || በትግራይ አስቸኳይ ምርጫ እንዲደረግ ተጠየቀ @ethiopiareporter
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‹‹ዶ/ር ሳሙኤል ሸፋፍነው ነው ያቀረቡት›› || የዶ/ር ደሳለኝ ጫኔ ሙግት @ethiopiareporter
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ፓርላማው በሀገራዊ መግባባት ላይ እየተወያየ ነው | በቀጥታ | ከፓርላማ| ሪፖርተር @ethiopiareporter
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ከ ሪፖርተር ዜናዎች


የዶናልድ ትራምፕ መንግሥት እጃችሁ ከምን ማለቱ አይቀሬ ነው!

ለሁለተኛ ጊዜ የአሜሪካ ፕሬዚዳንትነትን ሥልጣን የተቆናጠጡት ዶናልድ ትራምፕ ‹‹አሜሪካን እንደገና ታላቅ አገር›› ማድረግ የሚለውን መፈክራቸው ይዘው ሥራ ጀምረዋል፡፡ በ45ኛው ፕሬዚዳንትነት ዘመናቸው ኮቪድ19 ጨምሮ በተለያዩ...

‹‹ከድጡ ወደ …?

በሉልሰገድ ኃ. ዓለማየሁ (ዶ/ር) አስታውሱ ቀደም ብሎ በሪፖርተር ጋዜጣ ጥቅምት 6 ቀን 2015 ዓ.ም. ታትሞ የነበረውን ‹‹መቼ ነው? አልመረረንም እንዴ? እንቅልፉስ አደበንን እንዴ?›› የሚለውን እሮሮዬን...

አሳዛኙ የግብይት ሥርዓታችን ገመና ሲፈተሽ

በእንግዳ መኮ ኢትዮጵያና ኢትዮጵያውያን በብዙ ፈተና፣ መከራና ውጣ ውረድ ውስጥ ስለመሆናቸው ማንም በቀላሉ የሚረዳው እውነት ነው፡፡ የዓለሙን ሁኔታ እንተወውና በአገራችን የተፈጠረው የሰላም መደፍረስና የፖለቲካ አለመረጋጋት፣...

ብሔራዊ ጥቅም — ቀጣናዊ ጥቅም — አኅጉራዊ ጥቅም — ዓለም አቀፋዊ ጥቅም  

በታደሰ ሻንቆ በአውሮፓ እየተካሄደ ያለው ጦርነትም ሆነ በመካከለኛው ምሥራቅ እየተካሄደ ያለው ጦርነት በተናጠል ከሚታሰብ ሉዓላዊነትና ብሔራዊ ጥቅም አኳያ ሆኖ ውስጠ ሚስጥሩን ለመረዳት ያስቸግራል፡፡ የሁለቱንም አካባቢዎች...

ሐሰተኛ የገንዘብ ኖት አዘዋዋሪዎችን መያዝ ብቻ ሳይሆን ምንጩን አውቆ ለመግታት ትኩረት ይደረግ!

የአዲስ አበባ ፖሊስ ኮሚሽን ባለፉት ሦስትና አራት ወራት ይፋ ካደረጓቸው ወንጀል ነክ ዘገባዎች ውስጥ የተለያዩ ሐሰተኛ የትምህርት መረጃዎችንና ሌሎች መረጃዎችና ሰነዶችን ሲያዘጋጁ የተያዙ ተጠርጣሪዎች...

አነጋጋሪው የአዲስ አበባ ቴአትር ቤቶች አደረጃጀት

ሀገር ፍቅር፣ ራስ ቴአትር፣ የአዲስ አበባ ቴአትርና ባህል አዳራሽ (ማዘጋጃ ቤት) እና የአዲስ አበባ ሕፃናትና ወጣቶች ቴአትር ቤት ተጠሪነታቸው ለአዲስ አበባ ከተማ አስተዳደር የመንግሥት...

በኢትዮጵያውያን ኢንስትራክተሮች የተሰጠው የአሠልጣኞችና የዳኞች ብቃት ማረጋገጫ ሥልጠና

የኢትዮጵያ አትሌቲክስ ፌዴሬሽን በአፈጻጸም ደረጃ እምብዛም በመሆኑ ምክንያት፣  ለዓመታት ሲያስወቅሱ ከነበሩ የመመርያና የአሠራር ሥርዓት ክፍተቶች መካከል የአትሌቲክስ አሠልጣኞችና ዳኞች የብቃት ማረጋገጫ መሥፈርት ምን መምሰል...

ፍቅርን ፈራን

ፍቅርን ፈራን መቀራረብ ፈራን እንዳልተዛመድን እንዳልተዋለድን ፈርተን መዋደድን ጉርብትናን ናድን እኛነትን ትተን እኔነት ለመድን ‹‹ፈራን›› ፍቅርን ፈራን ጥላቻን ሠራን ብቸኝነት ጠራን በጋራ ቤታችን አጥር ድንበር ሠራን ‹‹ናቅን›› በልዩነት ደምቀን ያልኖርን ያህል አንድም...

አደራ በልነት!

ሰላም! ሰላም! ሁላችሁም ሰላማችሁ ይብዛ፡፡ የዘመኑ ኮበሌዎችና ጉብሎች ‹ሎሚ ጣልባት በደረቷ…› አስታዋሽ የሆነውን የጥቅምት በዓል በሰላም አሳልፋችሁ ለሦስት ጉልቻ ተመቻችሁ? ወይስ ‹ሕይወት በነበረበት ይቀጥላል…›...
ሪፖርተር መነሻ ገፅ | Ethiopian Reporter | ሪፖርተር
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በብዛት ከተነበቡት

- ሪፖርተር ጋዜጣ -

ሪፖርተር መነሻ ገፅ | Ethiopian Reporter | ሪፖርተር

ሪፖርተር ቆይታ

‹‹በትግራይ ማዕከላዊነት በመላላቱ የፀጥታ መዋቅሩን የያዙ ሰዎች የፖለቲካ ኃይሉን...

በትግራይ ጦርነት ወቅት በአየር ድብደባ ወደመች በሚሏት በቶጎጋ አካባቢ የተወለዱት አቶ ኃይሉ ከበደ ሳልሳዊ ወያኔ ትግራይ (ሳወት) ፓርቲን ከመሠረቱ አባላት አንዱ ናቸው፡፡ የአየር ድብደባውን...

አፍሪካን ከ‹‹ኤ›› እስከ ‹‹ዜድ››

የአፍሪካ አኅጉርን የተለያዩ መረጃዎችን በማጥናትና በመሰብሰብ በርካታ ዓመታትን አሳልፈዋል፡፡ ከመንግሥት አወቃቀር ጀምሮ እያንዳንዱ የአፍሪካ አገር ያለውን እሴት የሚዳስስ ኤቱዜድ አፍሪካ (አፍሪካ ከሀ እስከ ፐ)...

‹‹መንግሥት ከሁሉም ነገር በላይ ቅድሚያ ሰጥቶ የኢኮኖሚ ጫናውን ለመቀነስ...

የነዳጅ ግብይት ሥርዓትን ለመዘርጋትና ለመቆጣጠር ያስችላል የተባለ አዲስ አዋጅ ባለፈው ሳምንት በሕዝብ ተወካዮች ምክር ቤት ፀድቋል፡፡ በኢትዮጵያ በነዳጅ ሥርጭት ግብይትና በአጠቃላይ በዘርፉ ያሉትን ማነቆዎች...
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ከ ፖለቲካ አምድ

በመንግሥት የፀጥታ ኃይሎች የሚፈጸም የንፁኃን ግድያ መባባሱን ኢሰመኮ አስታወቀ

የኢትዮጵያ ሰብዓዊ መብቶች ኮሚሽን (ኢሰመኮ) ባወጣው የሩብ ዓመት ሪፖርት፣ በኢትዮጵያ በግጭት ዓውድ ውስጥ የሚፈጸሙ የሰብዓዊ መብት ጥሰቶች፣ በአሳሳቢ ሁኔታ መጨመራቸውን ይፋ አደረገ፡፡ ከእነዚህ አሳሳቢ የሰብዓዊ መብት ጥሰቶች ውስጥም ከሕግ ውጪ የሚፈጸሙ ግድያዎች (Extra Judicial...

ለመዋቅርና ጥቅማ ጥቅም ጥያቄዎቻቸው ምላሽ የተነፈጉት የሲቪል አቪዬሽን ሠራተኞች እየለቀቁ...

የኢትዮጵያ ሲቪል አቪዬሽን ባለሥልጣን የመዋቅርና የጥቅማ ጥቅም ጥያቄ ላቀረቡ የሠራተኞች ምላሽ በመንፈጉ የሠራተኛ ፍልሰት...

የግብርና ምርምር ኢንስቲትዩት በኦሮሚያ ላሉት ይዞታዎቹ ከፍተኛ ግብር እንዲከፍል መገደዱን...

ሠራተኞች ወደ ቢሮ እንዳይገቡ መከልከላቸው ተገልጿል የግብርና ምርምር ኢንስቲትዩት በኦሮሚያ ክልል ባሉት የመሬት ይዞታዎች ላይ...

የትግራይ የፀጥታ ኃይል አመራሮች የትግራይ ጊዜያዊ አስተዳደር እንደገና እንዲዋቀር ጠየቁ

‹‹አመራሮቹ ከተልዕኳቸው ውጪ ከሕገወጥ ቡድን ጋር በግልጽ እየተንቀሳቀሱ መሆኑን አውጀዋል›› የትግራይ ጊዜያዊ አስተዳደር ሕዝባዊ ወያኔ...

ተመጣጣኝ ውክልናና የምርጫ ሥርዓትን አላካተተም የተባለው አዲሱ የምርጫ ቦርድ ረቂቅ አዋጅ ሲፈተሽ

አዲሱ የምርጫ ቦርድ ረቂቅ አዋጅ በውይይት መድረኮች መቅረብ ጀምሯል፡፡ ቦርዱ ለረቂቁ ግብዓት ማሰባሰቢያ የሚላቸውን...

ክቡር ሚኒስትር

[ክቡር ሚኒስትሩ የእጅ ስልካቸው...

ሃሎ! እንዴት አሉ ክቡር ሚኒስትር። ደህና ነኝ። ክቡር ሚኒስትር ባለፈው ወደ አዲስ አበባ የመጣሁ ጊዜ በተመለከትኩት ሳላደንቅዎ...

[ክቡር ሚኒስትሩ ቀኑን ሙሉ...

የምን ስብሰባ ላይ ዋልኩ ነበር ያልከኝ? የሥራ አስፈጻሚ። የምን ሥራ አስፈጻሚ? የገዥው ሥራ አስፈጻሚ። ምን ገጥሟችሁ ነው የተሰበሰባችሁት? ለመረጠን...

[ክቡር ሚኒስትሩ በመኖሪያ ቤታቸው...

ይሄ ነገር አሳስቦኛል። የቱ? ንዝረቱ ነዋ? የምን ንዝረት? የመሬት መንቀጥቀጡ? እ... እሱን እንዴት? ከዚህ በላይ ጠንከር ብሎ ቢመጣ አዲስ አበባ...
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ከ ቢዝነስ አምድ

ለኢንዱስትሪዎች የተሰጠው የውጭ ምንዛሪና ከወጪ ንግድ የተገኘው ገቢ ማነስ በፓርላማ ጥያቄ አስነሳ

በኢንዱስትሪ ፓርኮች የሚገኙ ድርጅቶች ከ90 በመቶ በላይ ጥሬ ዕቃ ከውጭ የሚያስመጡ መሆናቸው ተገልጿል አንድ የኤሌክትሪክ ተሽከርካሪ ባትሪ ዋጋ ከግማሽ ሚሊዮን ብር በላይ መሆኑ ሥጋት ፈጥሯል ፓርላማው በስኳር ፋብሪካዎች ላይ መፍትሔ ለማምጣት ምን እየተሠራ ነው? ሲል ጥያቄዎችን...

መንግሥት ዝቅተኛ የደመወዝ ወለል ለመወሰን የመደራደር አቅሙ አለመጎልበቱ ተነገረ

‹‹ለኑሮ ውድነት መጨመር አንዱ ምክንያት የዜጎች ገቢ አለማደግ ነው›› አቶ መላኩ አለበል፣ የኢንዱስትሪ ሚኒስትር የኢንዱስትሪ...

የጎንደር ከተማ አሽከርካሪዎች ቤንዚን በሊትር 300 ብር ከጥቁር ገበያ እየገዙ መሆናቸውን ተናገሩ

በአማራ ክልል በጎንደር ከተማ በርካታ ተሽከርካሪዎች ቤንዚን በከተማዋ ባሉ ማደያዎች በሕጋዊ መንገድ ማግኘት ባለመቻላቸው፣...

የውጭ ማሪታይም ኤጀንሲዎች ባህርተኞችን ማሠልጠን የሚያስችላቸው ሕግ እየተዘጋጀ መሆኑ ተገለጸ

ከውጭ ለሚገቡ የግል የማሪታይም ኤጀንሲዎች ባህርተኞችን ለማሠልጠን ፈቃድ ለመስጠት የሚያስችል ሕግ እየተዘጋጀ እንደሆነ፣ የኢትዮጵያ...

ለኢንቨስትመንት ከቀረጥ ነፃ የሚያስገቡ ድርጅቶች በሚያቀርቡት የዋጋ ሰነድ እንዲስተናገዱ አዲስ ሥርዓት ተዘረጋ

በዮናታን ዮሴፍ ጉምሩክ ኮሚሽን ከአምራቾች ከፍተኛ ቅሬታ እያስነሳ የነበረውን የዋጋ አተማመንን በሚመለከት ለኢንቨስትመንት ሥራ የሚውሉ...

ርዕሰ አንቀጽ

የሕግ የበላይነትን የሚጋፉ ድርጊቶች ይወገዱ!

የሕግ የበላይነት በሌለበት ንፁኃን ሕይወታቸውም ሆነ ያፈሩት ንብረት የሕገወጦች...

መንግሥት ገቢ ከመሰብሰብ ባሻገር ለሕዝብ ኑሮ...

የኢትዮጵያ ኢኮኖሚ ማደግ ያለበት በተገኘው ቀዳዳ ሁሉ ከሚሰበሰብ ታክስ...

እየፀደቁ ያሉ አዋጆች ለሕዝብና ለአገር የሚኖራቸው...

መንግሥት በስኬት አገር ለማስተዳደር ሕጎችን ሲያወጣም ሆነ ፖሊሲ ሲነድፍ፣...

የኑሮ ውድነቱን እያባባሱ ያሉ ዕርምጃዎች ይታሰብባቸው!

መንግሥት የዋጋ ንረቱን ከ30 በመቶ ወደ 16 በመቶ ዝቅ...
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ምን እየሰሩ ነው?

አፍሪካን ከ‹‹ኤ›› እስከ ‹‹ዜድ››

የአፍሪካ አኅጉርን የተለያዩ መረጃዎችን በማጥናትና በመሰብሰብ በርካታ ዓመታትን አሳልፈዋል፡፡ ከመንግሥት አወቃቀር ጀምሮ እያንዳንዱ የአፍሪካ አገር ያለውን እሴት የሚዳስስ ኤቱዜድ አፍሪካ (አፍሪካ ከሀ እስከ ፐ) የሚል (ፕላት ፎርም) ለማበልፀግ ችለዋል፡፡...


በአዲስ አበባ ከፍጥነት ወሰን በላይ በማሽከርከር ለሞት የሚዳርጉ አምስት መንገዶች መለየታቸው ተገለጸ

በአዲስ አበባ ከተማ ከፍጥነት ወሰን በላይ በማሽከርከር ከፍተኛ የሞት አደጋ የሚያስከትሉ አምስት መንገዶች መለየታቸውን፣ የአዲስ አበባ ከተማ ትራፊክ ማኔጅመንት አስታወቀ፡፡ በአዲስ አበባ ዩኒቨርሲቲ የኅብረተሰብ ጤና ትምህርት ቤት መምህር ተፈሪ አበጋዝ...


የእስራኤል ጋዛ ተኩስ አቁም ስምምነትና ሥጋቶች

ሃማስ በእስራኤል ላይ ድንገተኛ የሮኬት ጥቃት ማድረሱን ተከትሎ ከ15 ወራት በፊት በእስራኤልና የፍልስጤም ጋዛን በሚያስተዳደረው ሃማስ መካከል የተጀመረው ጦርነት፣ ጋዛን ወደ ፍርስራሽነት ከቀየረና በሺዎች የሚቆጠሩ ፍልስጤማውያንን ሕይወት ከነጠቀ በኋላ...

ሪፖርተር ዜና

Media and Communication Center (MCC) a private limited media company established in 1995. Headquartered in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia MCC is the publisher of “Reporter” a bi-weekly Amharic, “The Reporter” a weekly English newspaper, a monthly Amharic and English magazines in both print and electronic versions.

Mission and Vision

The Reporter’s motto “Free Press, Free Speech, Free Spirit” expresses the ideal of freedom that, journalists and editors, hope to enjoy and promote professional journalism.

MCC believes that it has responsibility to readers, the public, and the people in and outside Ethiopia who rely on Reporter for news.

Each week we bring to the public critical stories without fear or favor and guarantee that our editorial choices about what to print are based on the importance and relevance of the topic to our country along with journalistic qualities. We refrain from any political, economic, or other unethical motivations.

We dedicate ourselves to help our readers in their effort to become an informed citizenry by giving as much information as possible.

We serve as a platform for the public’s thoughts, opinions and ideas by soliciting, accepting, reviewing and publishing letters and comments.

We intend to make our newspaper a model for those in our profession, a guide for novices.

Circulations and Reach

MCC distributes the newspapers and magazines to all business companies, governmental offices and non-governmental offices in Addis Ababa and all regional cities through subscription as well as street vendors.

Readers can access our news on our websites ethiopianreporter and

Amare Aragawi Ethiopian Reporter, The Reporter (Ethiopia), also known Amare Aragawi, The Ethiopian Reporter (Amharic: ሪፖርተር), is a private newspaper ሪፖርተር published in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. It appears in both English and Amharic, and is owned by the Media Communications Centre.

The editor in chief and founder of the newspaper is Amare Aragawi. ሪፖርተር amharic news

Ethiopian Reporter

amharic news Best news in Ethiopia, Breaking News In Ethiopia, news in ethiopia, In 2008 the editor of Reporter Amharic, Amare Aregawi was jailed in Gondar, Oromo news, Ethiopia Information, Ethiopia in connection with an article that criticized Dashen Brewery’s, a local beer brand, labor practices.

Police arrested Aregawi on August 22nd, 2008 after a defamation lawsuit was filed against the newspaper by the brewery in a Gondar court Best Amharic News In Ethiopia. Best news in Ethiopia, Breaking News In Ethiopia, news in ethiopia, In 2008 the editor of Reporter Amharic, Amare Aregawi was jailed in Gondar, Oromo news, Ethiopia Information, ሪፖርተር ዜና. amharic news

amharic news Best news in Ethiopia, Breaking News In Ethiopia, news in ethiopia, In 2008 the editor of the Reporter, Amare Aregawi was jailed in Gondar, Oromo news, Ethiopia Information, Ethiopia in connection with an article that criticized Dashen Brewery’s, a local beer brand, labor practices.

Police arrested Aregawi on August 22nd, 2008 after a defamation lawsuit was filed against the newspaper by the brewery in a Gondar court  Best Amharic News In Ethiopia. Best news in Ethiopia, Breaking News In Ethiopia, news in ethiopia, In 2008 the editor of the Reporter, Amare Aregawi was jailed in Gondar, Oromo news, Ethiopia Information, amharic news

Top Newspaper in Ethiopia

Top Newspaper In Ethiopia Best news in Ethiopia, bbc Ethiopian news today 2022, Breaking News In Ethiopia, news in ethiopia, In 2008 the editor of Reporter Amharic, Amare Aregawi was jailed in Gondar, Oromo news, Ethiopia Information, Ethiopia in connection with an article that criticized Dashen Brewery’s, a local beer brand, labor practices.

Police arrested Aregawi on August 22nd, 2008 after a defamation lawsuit was filed against the newspaper by the brewery in a Gondar court Best Amharic News In Ethiopia. Best news in Ethiopia, Top Newspaper In Ethiopia, Breaking News In Ethiopia, news in ethiopia, In 2008 the editor of Reporter Amharic, Amare Aregawi was jailed in Gondar, Oromo news, Ethiopia Information, ዜና. amharic news

amharic news Best news in Ethiopia, Breaking News In Ethiopia, news in ethiopia, In 2008 the editor of the Reporter, Amare Aregawi was jailed in Gondar, Oromo news, Ethiopia Information, Ethiopia in connection with an article that criticized Dashen Brewery’s, a local beer brand, labor practices.

ሪፖርተር ዜና

Police arrested Aregawi on August 22nd, 2008 after a defamation lawsuit was filed against the newspaper by the brewery in a Gondar court ሪፖርተር Best Amharic News In Ethiopia. Best news in Ethiopia, Breaking News In Ethiopia, news in ethiopia, In 2008 the editor of Reporter Amharic, Amare Aregawi was jailed in Gondar, Oromo news, Ethiopia Information, ዜና. amharic news

Addis Zemen (Amharic), The Ethiopian Herald (English) and the Monitor (English). Key changes and developments in the newspaper marketplace in the past five years

According to the Ministry of Information, there were 68 newspapers and magazines published and distributed in July 2006. This is an increase from five years ago (though figures for 2000 could not be found). There are 56 newspapers and 12 magazines. Most papers are weeklies, bi-weeklies and monthlies, with only three dailies, all national, in existence. Many of the new papers in recent years have been tabloid weeklies responding to news events, such as the 2005 elections. However, some of these papers disappear when there are no strong news events to cover.

Newspaper in Ethiopia


Twice a week Weekly

Every two weeks Monthly

Source: Ministry of Information, personal communication, August 2006

The newspaper sector is limited by the country’s low literacy rates, and most titles are said to have small print runs of only about 3,000 copies. At the time of writing this report, no data could be sourced on the percentage of the adult population that reads a newspaper.

At national level, there are three daily newspapers The three national dailies are Addis Zemen (Amharic), The Ethiopian Herald (English) and the Monitor (English). The Monitor is the only private-owned daily. There is no information available to distinguish whether the remaining 53 newspapers are national or regional papers.

There are 12 national magazines; 10 published monthly, two published every two months, and two published quarterly. Ten of these magazines are in the Amharic language, and two are published in English, a monthly and a bi-monthly (Ministry of Information, personal communication, August 2006).

Investment and growth in newspapers in the past five years

There has been a significant increase in the number of papers in the past five years, with new privately-owned papers leading this growth.

However it is difficult to comment on the exact size of the newspaper market, as there is no research available in this area. Anecdotally, however, there was evidence of high demand for private papers during the May 2005 election period, but with a contraction in the number of private papers after the election.

Only a few of the newspapers, such as The Reporter (with Amharic and English editions, owned by the Media Communication Centre) and Addis Admass (in Amharic) are backed by strong private investment. Some papers have folded after not being strong enough to withstand challenges pertaining to legal or other matters. Some complain about delays in getting permits due to delay in finalisation of the provisions of the new Press Law. Another barrier to newspaper sector growth, according to the International Press Institute (IPI, 2005), has been the banning of some newspapers and the detention of journalists following the unrest after the May 2005 elections.

There is a state-owned news agency, Ethiopian News Agency, and a private local one, Walta Information Centre, both of which mainly serve the state media. Walta Information Centre is owned by the ruling party (EPRDF), so is categorized as state-owned in Figure 9. The private media do not have arrangements with these news agencies to provide them with the content they require, and this remains a major challenge for the private media. The other five news agencies operating in the country, such as Reuters and AFP, are all international.

amharic news

amharic news Best news in Ethiopia, Breaking News In Ethiopia, news in ethiopia, In 2008 the editor of Reporter Amharic, Amare Aregawi was jailed in Gondar, Oromo news, Ethiopia Information, Ethiopia in connection with an article that criticized Dashen Brewery’s, a local beer brand, labor practices.

Police arrested Aregawi on August 22nd, 2008 after a defamation lawsuit was filed against the newspaper by the brewery in a Gondar court Best Amharic News In Ethiopia. Best news in Ethiopia, Breaking News In Ethiopia, news in ethiopia, In 2008 the editor of Reporter Amharic, Amare Aregawi was jailed in Gondar, Oromo news, Ethiopia Information, ሪፖርተር ዜና. amharic news

amharic news Best news in Ethiopia, Breaking News In Ethiopia, news in ethiopia, In 2008 the editor of the Reporter, Amare Aregawi was jailed in Gondar, Oromo news, Ethiopia Information, Ethiopia in connection with an article that criticized Dashen Brewery’s, a local beer brand, labor practices.

Police arrested Aregawi on August 22nd, 2008 after a defamation lawsuit was filed against the newspaper by the brewery in a Gondar court  Best Amharic News In Ethiopia. Best news in Ethiopia, Breaking News In Ethiopia, news in ethiopia, In 2008 the editor of the Reporter, Amare Aregawi was jailed in Gondar, Oromo news, Ethiopia Information, amharic news

amharic news

Addis Zemen (Amharic), The Ethiopian Herald (English) and the Monitor (English). amharic news Best news in Ethiopia, Breaking News In Ethiopia, news in ethiopia, In 2008 the editor of the Reporter, Amare Aregawi was jailed in Gondar, Oromo news, Ethiopia Information, , amharic news

Best news in Ethiopia, Breaking News In Ethiopia, news in ethiopia, In 2008 the editor of the Reporter, Amare Aregawi was jailed in Gondar, Oromo news, Ethiopia Information, . amharic news amharic news Best news in Ethiopia, Breaking News In Ethiopia, news in ethiopia, In 2008 the editor of the Reporter Amare Aregawi was jailed in Gondar, Oromo news, Ethiopia Information, Ethiopia in connection with an article that criticized Dashen Brewery’s, a local beer brand, labor practices. Addis Zemen (Amharic), the Ethiopian Herald (English) and the Monitor (English).

Police arrested Aregawi on August 22nd, 2008 after a defamation lawsuit was filed against the newspaper by the brewery in a Gondar court Best Amharic News In Ethiopia. Best news in Ethiopia, Breaking News In Ethiopia, news in ethiopia, In 2008 the editor of the Reporter, Amare Aregawi was jailed in Gondar, Oromo news, Ethiopia Information, ዜና. amharic news

Amharic News Today

amharic news Best news in Ethiopia, Breaking News In Ethiopia, news in ethiopia, In 2008 the editor of the Reporter, Amare Aregawi was jailed in Gondar, Oromo news, Ethiopia Information, ዜና , amharic news, Best news in Ethiopia, Breaking News In Ethiopia, news in ethiopia, In 2008 the editor of the Reporter, Amare Aregawi was jailed in Gondar, Oromo news, Ethiopia Information, ዜና. amharic news

amharic news

amharic news Best news in Ethiopia, Breaking News In Ethiopia, news in ethiopia, In 2008 the editor of the Reporter, Amare Aregawi was jailed in Gondar, Oromo news, Ethiopia Information, Ethiopia in connection with an article that criticized Dashen Brewery’s, a local beer brand, labor practices.

Police arrested Aregawi on August 22nd, 2008 after a defamation lawsuit was filed against the newspaper by the brewery in a Gondar court Best Amharic News In Ethiopia. Best news in Ethiopia, Breaking News In Ethiopia, news in ethiopia, In 2008 the editor of the Reporter, Amare Aregawi was jailed in Gondar, Oromo news, Ethiopia Information, the reporter ዜና. amharic news

Amare Aragawi Ethiopian Reporter, also known Amare Aragawi as The Ethiopian Reporter (Amharic: ), is a private newspaper published in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. It appears in both English and Amharic, and is owned by the Media Communications Centre. The editor in chief and founder of the newspaper is Amare Aragawi. the reporter amharic news

Only a few of the newspapers, such as The Reporter (with Amharic and English editions, owned by the Media Communication Centre) and Addis Admass (in Amharic) are backed by strong private investment. Some papers have folded after not being strong enough to withstand challenges pertaining to legal or other matters. Some complain about delays in getting permits due to delay in finalization of the provisions of the new Press Law. Another barrier to newspaper sector growth, according to the International Press Institute (IPI, 2005), has been the banning of some newspapers and the detention of journalists following the unrest after the May 2005 elections.

There is a state-owned news agency, Ethiopian News Agency, and a private local one, Walta Information Centre, both of which mainly serve the state media. Walta Information Centre is owned by the ruling party (EPRDF), so is The Reporter (with Amharic and English editions, owned by the Media Communication Centre) and Addis Admass (in Amharic) categorized as state-owned in Figure 9. The private media do not have arrangements with these news agencies to provide them with the content they require, and this remains a major challenge for the private media. The other five news agencies operating in the country, such as Reuters and AFP, are all international.

ethiopian news today ሪፖርተር, amharic news

amharic news Addis Zemen (Amharic), The Ethiopian Herald (English) and the Monitor (English).

Police arrested Aregawi on August 22nd, 2008 after a defamation lawsuit was filed against the newspaper by the brewery in a Gondar court ሪፖርተር Best Amharic News In Ethiopia. Best news in Ethiopia, Breaking News In Ethiopia, news in ethiopia, In 2008 the editor of the Reporter, Amare Aregawi was jailed in Gondar, Oromo news, Ethiopia Information, ሪፖርተር ዜና. amharic news

amharic news Best news in Ethiopia, Breaking News In Ethiopia, news in ethiopia, In 2008 the editor of the Reporter, Amare Aregawi was jailed in Gondar, Oromo news, Ethiopia Information, Ethiopia in connection with an article that criticized Dashen Brewery’s, a local beer brand, labor practices. Police arrested Aregawi on August 22nd, 2008 after a.

defamation lawsuit was filed against the newspaper by the brewery in a Gondar court ሪፖርተር Best Amharic News In Ethiopia. Best news in Ethiopia, Breaking News In Ethiopia, news in ethiopia, In 2008 the editor of the Reporter, Amare Aregawi was jailed in Gondar, Oromo news, Ethiopia Information, ሪፖርተር ዜና. amharic news

Ethiopian Reporter Amharic news

 NaMA will always cooperate with forces that can weaken the TPLF. As the TPLF has been in politics for a long time and has led the country, it must correct the mistakes of the past by deciding which is the most viable path for the future. They could not think of a way that would benefit the people of Tigray, whom they think they represent.

I do not think that the separation of the Amhara and Tigray peoples, a society that has lived together for many centuries and is bound by religion and culture, will achieve the goal. The people of Tigray must show that they are not enemies to the Amhara community.

During the war process, NaMA has been doing many other things by standing with the defense force, delivering food and coordinating with the diaspora. When the Amhara region was in battle, it gave studies on why they should fight for a purpose. It was heavily involved throughout the war.

How and under what conditions do you think the negotiations should be conducted?

Conflict always ends in negotiation. Even if the TPLF itself thinks that we should be divided, it knows that they will lack both resources and manpower. The TPLF should not go any further on the path of brutality and revenge. Ethiopia should follow the liberal approach and solve its problems. The war against the TPLF was not for revenge but was brought on by themselves.

In my view, I want transitional justice to happen. It is not because I believe transitional justice would calm everything down, but because it is an option. Justice is being served now, not for revenge but to bring harmony and move forward.


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Ethiopia Country Report Context

Key changes and developments in the newspaper marketplace in the past five years

According to the Ministry of Information, there were 68 newspapers and magazines published and distributed in July 2006. This is an increase from five years ago (though figures for 2000 could not be found). There are 56 newspapers and 12 magazines. Most papers are weeklies, bi-weeklies and monthlies, with only three dailies, all national, in existence. Many of the new papers in recent years have been tabloid weeklies responding to news events, such as the 2005 elections. However, some of these papers disappear when there are no strong news events to cover.

The newspaper sector is limited by the country’s low literacy rates, and most titles are said to have small print runs of only about 3,000 copies. At the time of writing this report, no data could be sourced on the percentage of the adult population that reads a newspaper.

At national level, there are three daily newspapers (see Figure 8). The three national dailies are Addis Zemen (Amharic), The Ethiopian Herald (English) and the Monitor (English). The Monitor is the only private-owned daily. There is no information available to distinguish whether the remaining 53 newspapers are national or regional papers.

There are 12 national magazines; 10 published monthly, two published every two months, and two published quarterly. Ten of these magazines are in the Amharic language, and two are published in English, a monthly and a bi-monthly (Ministry of Information, personal communication, August 2006).

Investment and growth in newspapers in the past five years

There has been a significant increase in the number of papers in the past five years, with new privately-owned papers leading this growth.

However it is difficult to comment on the exact size of the newspaper market, as there is no research available in this area. Anecdotally, however, there was evidence of high demand for private papers during the May 2005 election period, but with a contraction in the number of private papers after the election.

amharic news

amharic news Best news in Ethiopia, Breaking News In Ethiopia, news in ethiopia, In 2008 the editor of the Reporter, Amare Aregawi was jailed in Gondar, Oromo news, Ethiopia Information, Ethiopia in connection with an article that criticized Dashen Brewery’s, a local beer brand, labor practices. Police arrested Aregawi on August 22nd, 2008 after a.

latest ethiopian news

defamation lawsuit was filed against the newspaper by the brewery in a Gondar court ሪፖርተር Best Amharic News In Ethiopia. Best news in Ethiopia, Breaking News In Ethiopia, news in ethiopia, In 2008 the editor of the Reporter, Amare Aregawi was jailed in Gondar, Oromo news, Ethiopia Information, ሪፖርተር ዜና. amharic news

amharic news Best news in Ethiopia, Breaking News In Ethiopia, news in ethiopia, In 2008 the editor of the Reporter, Amare Aregawi was jailed in Gondar, Oromo news, Ethiopia Information, ሪፖርተር ዜና , amharic news

The Ethiopian Reporter

Ethiopian news Best news in Ethiopia, Breaking News In Ethiopia, news in ethiopia, In 2008 the editor of the Reporter, Amare Aregawi was jailed in Gondar, Oromo news, Ethiopia Information, ሪፖርተር ዜና , Ethiopian news, Best news in Ethiopia, Breaking News In Ethiopia, news in ethiopia, In 2008 the editor of the Reporter, Amare Aregawi was jailed in Gondar, Oromo news, Ethiopia Information, ሪፖርተር ዜና. Ethiopian news

amharic news Best news in Ethiopia, Breaking News In Ethiopia, news in ethiopia, In 2008 the editor of the Reporter, Amare Aregawi was jailed in Gondar, Oromo news, Ethiopia Information, Ethiopia in connection with an article that criticized Dashen Brewery’s, a local beer brand, labor practices.

Police arrested Aregawi on August 22nd, 2008 after a defamation lawsuit was filed against the newspaper by the brewery in a Gondar court ሪፖርተር Best Amharic News In Ethiopia. Best news in Ethiopia, Breaking News In Ethiopia, news in ethiopia, In 2008 the editor of the Reporter, Amare Aregawi was jailed in Gondar, Oromo news, Ethiopia Information, ሪፖርተር ዜና. amharic news

Reporter Amharic ethiopian news live

Negotiations should be conducted for the sake of peace and justice, with the decision that it will not happen again in the future and that what happened in the past was not right.

But in Ethiopia, it is seen that negotiations are used as a plot resource. It has been observed that only if the power to be negotiated is dangerous and one party wants to survive, is the proposal submitted for negotiation.

That is why I am afraid that the proposal presented by the TPLF might be some sort of treason. The deal requires a genuine broker. Since the war will inevitably end in negotiations, it all depends on who comes up with the better negotiating package. There is a risk that the negotiator who believes in violence may resort to violence at the negotiating table.

The TPLF should not exist as a political force. It is difficult to say that the TPLF is deceiving all these people with mobilization. I think most of them believe it. While the party was scattered, the individuals in the party lined up, reorganized, and attacked the defense force.

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Such regeneration should not be ignored. The security guarantees should be adjusted and then they can enter into negotiations. A ceasefire is one way it can be done. But beyond that, there must be other stakeholders. The negotiations that should have been entered into after the collapse of the Derg left us in the situation we are in now. I believe that the Amhara region should have a negotiator on their behalf.

In the end, it should be known what level our politics should be at. Any person should be able to go and live in the area they want without being displaced from place to place because of ethnicity.

The TPLF has the capacity to rebel, not organize and re-enter. War itself should not be based on ethnicity. Who will benefit from this war?

There is no need to pretend like there is a war between two different countries. Both must work together. The negotiations must be conducted in moderation. Negotiations range from a ceasefire to a new proposal.

Although the African Union has little experience, it must mediate. They should all enter into the negotiation with good intentions. The very idea of secession is unethical.

To allow foreign banks, the banking proclamation, banking service code and the investment regulations must be revised. Especially, the code must allow banking for foreigners. The existing commercial code allows banking and insurance only for Ethiopians. Non Ethiopians cannot be investors, or operators.

Reporter amharic news

Best news in Ethiopia, Breaking News In Ethiopia, news in ethiopia, In 2008 the editor of the Reporter, Amare Aregawi was jailed in Gondar, Oromo news, Ethiopia Information, ሪፖርተር ዜና. amharic news amharic news Best news in Ethiopia, Breaking News In Ethiopia, news in ethiopia, In 2008 the editor of the Reporter, Amare Aregawi was jailed in Gondar, Oromo news, Ethiopia Information,

Best news in Ethiopia, Breaking News In Ethiopia, news in ethiopia, In 2008 the editor of the Reporter, Amare Aregawi was jailed in Gondar, Oromo news, Ethiopia Information, ሪፖርተር ዜና. amharic news amharic news Best news in Ethiopia, Breaking News In Ethiopia, news in ethiopia, In 2008 the editor of the Reporter, Amare Aregawi was jailed in Gondar, Oromo news, Ethiopia Information.

Ethiopia in connection with an article that criticized Dashen Brewery’s, a local beer brand, labor practices. Police arrested Aregawi on August 22nd, 2008 after a defamation lawsuit was filed against the newspaper by the brewery in a Gondar court ሪፖርተር Best Amharic News In Ethiopia. Best news in Ethiopia, Breaking News In Ethiopia, news in ethiopia, In 2008 the editor of the Reporter, Amare Aregawi was jailed in Gondar, Oromo news, Ethiopia Information, ሪፖርተር ዜና. amharic news

Reporter Amharic ethiopian news today youtube

reporter amharic in connection with an article that criticized Dashen Brewery’s, a local beer brand, labor practices. Police arrested Aregawi on August 22nd, 2008 after a defamation lawsuit was filed against the newspaper by the reporter amharic brewery in a Gondar court ሪፖርተር Best Amharic News In Ethiopia. Best news in Ethiopia, Breaking News In Ethiopia, news in ethiopia, In 2008 the editor of the Reporter, Amare Aregawi was jailed in Gondar, Oromo news, Ethiopia Information, ሪፖርተር ዜና. amharic news.

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amharic news Best news in Ethiopia, Breaking News In Ethiopia, news in ethiopia, In 2008 the editor of the Reporter, Amare Aregawi was jailed in Gondar, Oromo news, Ethiopia Information, ሪፖርተር ዜና , amharic news, Best news in Ethiopia, Breaking News In Ethiopia, news in ethiopia, In 2008 the editor of the Reporter, Amare Aregawi was jailed in Gondar, Oromo news, Ethiopia Information, ሪፖርተር ዜና. amharic news

amharic news Best news in Ethiopia, Breaking News In Ethiopia, news in ethiopia, In 2008 the editor of the Reporter, Amare Aregawi was jailed in Gondar, Oromo news, Ethiopia Information, Ethiopia in connection with an article that criticized Dashen Brewery’s, a local beer brand, labor practices.

Police arrested Aregawi on August 22nd, 2008 after a defamation lawsuit was filed against the newspaper by the brewery in a Gondar court ሪፖርተር Best Amharic News In Ethiopia. Best news in Ethiopia, Breaking News In Ethiopia, news in ethiopia, In 2008 the editor of the Reporter, Amare Aregawi was jailed in Gondar, Oromo news, Ethiopia Information, ሪፖርተር ዜና. amharic news

amharic news Best news in Ethiopia, Reporter Amharic Breaking News In Ethiopia, news in ethiopia, In 2008 the editor of the Reporter, Amare Aregawi was jailed in Gondar, Oromo news, Ethiopia Information, Ethiopia in connection with an article that criticized Dashen Brewery’s, a local beer brand, labor practices.

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